Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Asparagus with Maple Tahini Dressing

    Vegan asparagus with tahini maple dressing is a lovely gluten free side dish
    Vegan maple-tahini dressing adorns the Queen of Spring: Asparagus.

    Spring here in BoHo infused West Hollywood means trading in your Uggs for flip-flops. And hurtling downhill on your skateboard past midnight, apparently.  For four nights in a row now I've been startled awake by the rolling wheels of wild ones zooming past our bedroom window in the wee small hours of the morning. I suspect they are taggers, or teenage paparazzi on the hunt for misbehaving Melrose prey (there have been more helicopters lately). Sleep has been edgy and restless. The season of change is afoot. Or rather on a roll.

    Which in an odd and sleep-deprived way, brings me to asparagus.

    It's a welcome signal of warmer days (and nights!) when those bundles of slender green stalks are back, standing tall in elegant rows at the local market. Erect, perky little beauties.

    My deep and abiding craving for asparagus is surprising for someone who never tendered a single bite of fresh asparagus until my third decade here on planet Earth. Yes, you read that right. Three decades. I admit it.

    I was anti-asparagus.

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Asparagus with Maple Tahini Dressing

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Sunday, March 27, 2011

Gluten-Free Dinner Rolls

    Gluten free dinner bread rolls
    Fresh baked gluten-free dinner rolls- warm and tender.

    We've been slurping lots of soup this Spring while the temperatures hover well below my chilly bones preference of 72 degrees. I hate to complain about 52 degrees, but, honestly. I'm shivering like a kitten in a Steve Martin movie. This is L.A. not New Hampshire. Where is my sunshine and technicolor blue sky?

    Hiding its good humor behind wrinkled duvets of fuzzy gray clouds, that's where.

    So we make gluten-free soup.

    But the soup needs a companion. Our potage is lonely. And so I play matchmaker. I've been inviting gluten-free roll recipes to come and play. I've been flirting with their quirks and grainy idiosyncrasies, trying to be a good host. Coaxing their prickly little batters into behaving. As in, taste GOOD. And I've had some almost there success. But nothing to brag about. Nothing blog worthy.

    Until today. These rolls are a balance of whole grain flavor and softness. Just crusty enough. These were tender and lovely warm from the oven. Not gummy. Not heavy. Not too grainy.

    Just right.

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Gluten-Free Dinner Rolls

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Friday, March 25, 2011

Christopher Walken Shares Gluten-Free Tips

    Christopher Walken's doppleganger stopped by Gluten-Free Goddess to share a few off-the-cuff tips on cooking gluten-free. In this impromptu video, Christopher reveals his passion for butter flavor, his preference for cooking grits, and his befuddlement with tapioca.

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Christopher Walken Shares Gluten-Free Tips

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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Peanut Butter Banana Cake

    Gluten free peanut butter banana cake is moist and sweet
    My gluten-free peanut butter banana cake was inspired by a sandwich.

    It has been an awful week. Our hearts ache for the profound and inconceivable loss suffered by Japan. To conjure sweet nothings about cake or cookies, or celebrating the first day of spring rings a tinny, grating note. So I am excavating a recipe from the archives instead, sharing it now for those of you new to the blog, or those of you who may have missed it the first time around. It's a simple, sugar-free recipe based upon a childhood favorite- the peanut butter and banana sandwich.

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Peanut Butter Banana Cake

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Millet with Carrots, Mushrooms and Mint

    Gluten free millet is a wonderful grain perfect for a side dish with vegetables and fresh herbs
    Gluten-free millet makes a tasty grain side dish.

    To be honest, the only thing I knew about millet was what I read in fairy tales. You know, some evil, jealous stepmother or warty witch in the spooky woods would capture a flaxen haired and beautiful Princess down on her luck and pining for true love. The lovely but modest and misunderstood maiden would then be forced to find needles in haystacks or pluck wool off surly sheep or sort millet seeds. 

    Tasks any one of us can relate to, right?

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Millet with Carrots, Mushrooms and Mint

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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Karina's Chocolate Truffle Cake

    Chocolate truffle cake by Gluten Free Goddess Karina
    Truffle Cake is a flourless chocolate cake worthy of Spring.

    The intricate lace of bare oak branches reaching to the piece of schoolyard sky framed by my kitchen window is softening, filling in with bursts of tender green leaves so young and sweet you miss them at first glance. Spring has arrived. The oaks say so.

    To celebrate the season of reawakening, I say we bake a cake.

    Yes, another cake. I know, I know. I baked a luxurious Coconut Layer Cake for you just last week. But. It was a cake with flour (albeit gluten-free flours). And what do I feel like baking this week? A flourless cake. A cake so rich it tastes like a truffle. Not the infamous pig snuffled treasure. No, Darling. The chocolate truffle. That heavenly impostor, hiding in the guise of that woodsy French piggery fungi. Spoonfuls of deep, dark ganache rolled in cocoa powder (to look like dirt, of course).

    And I didn't want just a chocolate cake topped with ganache, either. I wanted to bake the ganache itself. I wanted the cake to taste like a sweet and satiny truffle- I wanted the cake to live up to its name. Truffle Cake inspires expectations. So I fiddled around with my Flourless Chocolate Cake recipe and rustled up a divine and creamy chocolate cake so special you'll want to share it with company. It's simply too good to keep to yourself. Try it. It's shockingly easy to make. Just give yourself time to make it ahead. It is at its best chilled overnight.

    Silky satin chocolate cake with a dusting of dirt- I mean- organic cacao powder with a secret ingredient. Raw maca powder.

    Throw in a little superfood magic. Why not?

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Karina's Chocolate Truffle Cake

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Gluten-Free Bread: Spotted Dog (and tips on baking gluten-free)

    Gluten free and dairy free Irish soda bread with raisins
    This Spotted Dog Irish bread is yeast-free and gluten-free.

    If I call this new bread an Irish soda bread, traditionalists will snicker. Raisins are not traditional in an Irish soda bread, you see. If a yeast-free soda bread has raisins in it, it's called Spotted Dog. I never knew this, growing up on the white clapboard wilds of the Connecticut shore. I was blithely ignorant of this quaint canine moniker, despite a hefty streak of familial Irish blood. We ate more pierogies than Irish soda bread. So when I started baking, my Irish soda bread had raisins. Why not?

    When it comes to traditions, I admit, I'm an upstart. I wiggle and chafe beneath constraint and "should" like an itchy little girl with pinching new shoes. I admire traditions. From afar. At least, in theory. In an abstract, symbolic way. The meaning and the message is more interesting to me than formula. When it comes to formula, I usually prefer to wing it.

    Which is why I enjoy gluten-free baking.

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Gluten-Free Bread: Spotted Dog (and tips on baking gluten-free)

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Monday, March 7, 2011

Katie Holmes Wallpaper

    katie holmes wallpaper

    katie holmes wallpaper
    katie holmes wallpaper

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Katie Holmes Wallpaper

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Gluten-Free Coconut Layer Cake

    Gluten free coconut layer cake with creamy dairy free vegan frosting
    Coconut cake heaven. Gluten-free and dairy-free deliciousness.

    Birthdays are complicated when you reach a certain age. Oh, don't get me wrong. You're grateful for another year. I mean. You're still alive and kicking, right? Waking up to a fresh start. Starting a spanking new year on the planet with one more number under your (slightly pinching) belt. A number that grants you a whisker more authority in the world. A tad more wisdom.

    If you've been paying attention to the lessons life likes to offer up as experience, and not sleepwalking, that is. Not acquiescing to the expectations of others. Or choosing safety over the challenge of the new. Or worse- finding yourself somewhere, in some situation, or relationship, strictly for the sake of momentum, chafing inside a role you don't remember signing up for.

    Birthdays can be markers like that.

    Defining where we've been. And how far we've come. Or not.

    It was my husband's birthday this weekend. And yes, I baked a cake. And as I stirred the batter and scooped it into cake pans, I thought about the other cakes I have baked for him. The chocolate cake in our first year of marriage. Children beneath our roof. Blue balloons and candles. The newness of each others' dreams. The shine of our ideas. The belief in what was possible.

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Gluten-Free Coconut Layer Cake

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Friday, March 4, 2011

Artichoke and Jalapeño Savory Pie

    Gluten free frittata or quiche with artichokes and jalapenos
    Gluten-free pasta pie, a savory and delicious frittata style dish.

    Happy first weekend in March! Spring is in the air. To celebrate, here's an eggy, savory pie for the coming greening season, spiked with the kicked-up heat of jalapeños. It's a hybrid of traditional kugel, quiche, and pasta frittata. Kinda postmodern eggilicious. And the best part is, it's a super easy recipe. Perfect for a light brunch, a weeknight supper, or any time you crave huevos. Which is less fraught with guilt, now that the Powers That Be have decided eggs are not the enemy they once touted. Especially if you use organic eggs from humanely raised, vegetarian fed free-range chickens. Happier eggs contain higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, beta-carotene and vitamins A, D and E, it turns out. Which makes this frittata pie idea a nutritious way to use up leftover gluten-free spaghetti. 

    Your mother's pasta frittata, this isn't. Your mother didn't make you pasta frittata? Babycakes! 

    What are you waiting for?

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Artichoke and Jalapeño Savory Pie

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