Sunday, May 31, 2009

Vegan Baking Cheat Sheet

    Baking gluten-free and vegan translates to one simple truth that is hard to teach. Because it can only be learned by experience. This one simple truth?

    Unlearn everything you think you know- or thought you understood- about baking.

    All those mandatory Home Economics classes about kneading bread dough for ten minutes to improve elasticity or leavening a cake with beaten egg whites won't help your inner Betty Crocker to bloom if you're gluten-free and vegan. In fact, clinging to old notions about what works- and what doesn't- might lead you down a rather prickly circuitous path to ruin. Not to mention, your personal Culinary Museum of Failure. But don't let this bare bones truth inhibit you.

    In fact, let it free you.

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Vegan Baking Cheat Sheet

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Friday, May 29, 2009


    my 7th award from Ditty, makasi yah.

    RULES :
    1. Post the award asap
    2. Tag the award to people as many as you like
    3. Mention 5 of your fav blogs with the reason
    4. Mention the person who gives you this award
    2. i want to tagg..
    Little miss day dream
    Shida Aruya
    Dwi Amtisari

    3. my fav blog..
    ahh semuanya favorite kokk. i can't choose to top 5, they're all the cutest xD

    4. Ditty, yah si dityymizzlizzy my new friend from bloggers that kind enough to tag me awards.
    & she's a beatlemania. xD ♥♥

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♥ Proses Pasang BEHEL

    Alhamdulillah pemasangan behel udah dijalani.
    Alhamdulillah gue gak ngerasa sakit apapunn.. prosesnya cepet.
    pertama-tama gue di bersihin dulu karang giginya..
    terus gigi kelinci depan gue kan ada yg patah & bengkok sedikit, yg itu di tambal ama dokternya biar rataa gigi gue.
    abis itu mulai deh dipasangin kawat, tadinya gue mau yg warna baby pink cuman tipe behel gue kan yg crystal safire jadi kawatnya dasarnya bahan transparan, soo gue ganti warna yg shocking pink aja supaya 'keliatan' warnanya. hehee. xD

    pokoknya gue bersyukur bgt prosesnya gak sakit sama sekali, dari awal sampai akhir aman.
    sariawan juga Alhamdulillah sama sekali gak ada.
    tapi proses pemasangan behel buat gigi bawah gue bisanya minggu depan karena pas dibersihin karang giginya gigi gue meradang.. darah kga berhenti2. jadi musti nunggu seminggu.
    gakpapa.. dehh.

    gigi gue tambah monyong nee~
    mudah2an hasilnya giginya cepet masuk biar pede lagi. hehee. ♥♥

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♥ Proses Pasang BEHEL

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Gluten-Free Pizza Flatbread with Roasted Vegetables

    Gluten free pizza flatbread recipe
    An easy gluten-free pizza flatbread topped with roasted veggies.

    I've been offering up picnic food recipes this week because we're eating easy picnic style here in the final countdown phase of leaving for our summer adventure in Los Angeles. Only four remaining stacks of books to box, a tilting fence of wet paintings to frame, and the all important decision of which t-shirts, pots and kitchen power tools to pack stand in the way of our coffee fueled departure early next week.

    I am reminded of the opening scene of A Walk on the Moon where Pearl and Lilian Kantrowitz are cramming the family car with colanders and tablecloths and onions and potato peelers. Kitchen stuff for their summer cabin in the Catskills. Such a production this is. Planning ahead for gluten-free snacks on the road (chocolate cupcakes are a must, and popcorn) and an easy microwavable supper for the hotel in Arizona (I'm thinking I'll freeze some of my favorite Mac and Cheese). We still don't have a rental lined up. And the storms knocked out our Internet this week. I'm lucky to be on at all tonight.

    So yours truly has been running out of steam by cocktail hour, whipped not only by the attention-to-detail process of organizing two lives and shedding old stuff, but by the monsoon season thunderstorms growling across the Chama River in the afternoons, sending wind and rain and howling coyotes up the mesa. And knocking out our web access.

    So forgive me if I have not responded to a comment or a question. I haven't been on-line much. Or participated on Twitter. I've been a total social network slacker stranded out here in the wilds. Cooking up flatbreads and Buckwheat Chocolate Chip Cookies between rinsing out empty shampoo bottles. Thinking of you.

    Hoping you're having a wonderful week!

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Gluten-Free Pizza Flatbread with Roasted Vegetables

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Wednesday, May 27, 2009


    rencananya Jumat ini atau BESOK gue mau pasang
    behel atau braces.
    sebenernya udah diniatin dari dulu cuman baru sempet sekarang sekalian mumpung liburan sebulan.
    udah cek & bikin jadwal ke dokternya kemaren. gue di Klinik Dental Estetika Bintaro di sektor 9. kebetulan deket rumah gue jadi sekalian aja.
    rencananya gue mau pasang yg jenis
    Crystal Safire, karena bisa diwarnain gue maunya warna baby pink. hahaa.

    prosesnya sih katanya..

    1. giginya di rontgen di RS Intl Bintaro.. udh barusan gue kesana bayar Rp.350rb 2x foto.
    2. terus besok dicetak giginya
    3. selanjutnya diliat ada gigi yg mau dicabut gak. kalo ada ya cabut dulu.
    4. truss dibius dengan disuntik boo & baru deh dipasang kawat2nya.. udah lengkap baru ditarik. (katanya proses yg ini sakit bgt yahh?)
    gue sebenernya takut bgt..
    tapi karena demi kecantikan & kerapihan gigi gue, gue niatin ajaa lahh.
    bagi yg udah pasang behel, gue minta info & saran2nya dongg..
    sakit gak sih waktu prosesnya, pas nyuntiknya sakit gakk?
    terus abis dipasang kerasa gimana?
    pokoknya cerita yahh bagi2 pengalaman, pls pls.
    soalnya gue mau
    nyiapin mental dari sekarang2. biar gak kaget pas hari H nya.


    oh yaa karna besok pemasangan behel dimulai jam 9 pagi, jadi gue minta doanya dari kalian semua. semoga pemasangan behel di gigi risya berjalan lancar, baik2 aja, dan sakitnya gak seberapa sakit. AMIN RAKBAL ALAMIN. ♥♥

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Monday, May 25, 2009


    got another award from Onic, thankss darll ~

    this is my 6th award. xD
    the childhood award.

    the rules is to share your childhood memory about your childhood toy(s).


    i had a lot of different toys when i was a child, but my top 3 was..
    1. Barbie Dolls
    2. Polly Pocket Toys
    3. & Sailormoon Cards
    Barbie, i am sure a lot of youu had loved this doll or even still loving it untill now. I do still like barbie until now, but not as much as i used to when i was a child. I liked to play dress up & pretend that i was as pretty as barbie when i was a child. xD

    Polly Pocket, this toy was really fun back in the day. i can decorate of the house, playing drama stories about the charather in the polly pocket house, etc. It felt like i was in a glamour life even though i was just a child.. xD

    Sailormoon Collectible Cards, i was soo veryy totally in love with Sailormoon. I watched every single episode of the series, i remember the line when the sailormoon transformed into heroes, well i was pretty much obsessed with them. I still watch it even until now, i own every single episode in my laptop. xD i have every single collection cards from sailormoon, even until now. I think it's still there somewhere in my room.. ♥♥

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Easy Champagne Vinegar Red Potato Salad

    Mayo free potato salad with champagne vinegar is delicious, vegan and gluten free
    No mayo in this classic potato salad. Nope. Nada. Zip.

    For those of you looking for a mayo-free potato salad recipe, here's an easy, tasty picnic style salad seasoned with Champagne vinegar and tarragon. I plan on making potato salad several times this week. Picnic food- that's perfect for packing. Sorry for the alliteration. I blame excitement. Life is getting interesting again. We're living sans furniture now- except for a bed, desk and rug. The casita feels empty in a good way. Clean and spacious. Inviting possibility.

    Let's hope potential buyers feel the same way.

    As for me, I'll be at the Santa Monica Farmer's Market a week from Wednesday (expect pictures). We don't know where we're staying yet. But if Craig's List is any indication, choices will be numerous. Until then?

    Dinner will be picnic style.

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Easy Champagne Vinegar Red Potato Salad

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Saturday, May 23, 2009



    this time i'm gonna post quite a bit old song from 2006.
    Last Request by Paulo Nutini, a scottish singer & songwriter.
    the song was released on July 3rd 2006.

    i'm looving itt..
    it's one of the best ♥ song ever.
    this song also reminds me of Hney, he played it over & over again recently.
    it's stuck in my head.
    i miss you already hneey xD

    " Grant my last request,
    And just let me hold you.
    Don't shrug your shoulders,
    Lay down beside me.
    Sure I can accept that we're going nowhere,
    But one last time let's go there,
    Lay down beside me "

    ( acoustic version ) ♥♥

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♥ Home Sweet Home ♥

    i'm going back to my country today, Indonesia.
    & back home to Bintaro.
    YAAAYY !!
    i am soo very excitedd to be home, how i miss my family very muchh.
    the flight itself is going to be a 2hour flights, i hope it will fly smooth & safe, AMIN.
    i might as well read some novels on the way there.

    i have not even packed at all, have not even charge my cell,
    but i am going to take Kitty to somewhere else, probably in the pet shop, so people could help me to take care of kitty for sometime until i get back.
    hang on tight Kitty, i'll be back.
    i you.

    as for Hney, he also going back to his country today, Thailand.
    he will be taking train this day time at 2.20pm & will take about 24 hours to get to Bangkok.
    good luck Hney, always be safety,
    i you soo veryy muchh. xD

    all i ask from you is good prayers for me.

    may i travel safety, semoga Risya selamat sampai tujuan Jakarta hari ini dengan selamat,

    (my home sweet home, this is the view from the side & from the back of my house, my Mom take care of her garden very well xD)

    happy holiday, have fun, take care, be safe..
    =D ♥♥

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♥ Home Sweet Home ♥

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Friday, May 22, 2009


    i really like my dad's quote in his facebook..
    i like it so much i can't wait to share it with youu.

    he enjoys riding with his mountain bike so much, that he'd do it early in the morning in the weekends even though he had to work hard until midnight in the week-days. =D
    such a hard working dad but he still can enjoys what he likes best.
    the quote that he put in his facebook is about his hobby, riding..

    "I ride to be there for my children on their wedding day and when my grand children are born.
    I ride so I can grow old with my wife.
    I ride for the pleasure, the pain, the places and the people.
    I ride for the joy of feeling like a kid again.

    soo sweet isn't it?

    and this is some pictures of his joy time

    ride safe pahh..
    love. love ♥♥

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Thursday, May 21, 2009


    Homework 1

    It's All About Four

    tagged by Ditty, a girl who's in love with the beatles. thankss girliee~

    Risya, Ris, Sya, Hneydew

    27 Dec, 28 Dec, Ramadhan, Aid Fitri

    blogging, browsing the web, playing with kitty, get kitty to sleep on my lap

    love, peace, faith, religion -- one moree aite, laugh. =x

    everybody who i used to know

    good prayers, pink digital camera, tickets to go around europe & america, my graduation certificate with excellent grade. AMIN.

    dancing, blogging, music, movies

    UAE, UK, US, ..

    honeydew juice, mineral water, A&W, coconut syrup

    cellphone, wallet, my room key, extra pashmina/ cardigan/ jacket incase the day got colder

    pure white, classic black, purplelish blue, young green

    home, cinema, beachs, JJ market in Bangkok

    God, Dad, Mom, Siblings .. & hney

    Vino G. Bastian .. yg lainnya kurang tau gue

    more like valuable things that i protect the most : laptop, cellphone, ATM cards, money

    can't choose, i like too many songs

    happy times with family & hney

    watching cartoon, food shopping, collecting sailormon cards, reading story-books

    Miss Lia, Liyy, Clodd, and Kisi

    1. cause i've been tagged
    2. cause i like answering questions
    3. cause i have nothing better to do yet
    4. cause i wanna

    Homework 2
    another homework, tagged by Raisa, the cute girl that owns a very cute blog layout. =D

    Shows the image without the makeup and edits of our own, NO CHEAT !

    ( a bit creepy ehh? )

    i'd like to tag the homework 2 for..
    1. Noverselas
    2. Novilia
    3. Sabrina Petty
    4. Yulia
    5. and others that would like to do this, please take itt. =D ♥♥

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♥ The Tielman Brothers & The Beatles

    this is especially a MUST read for every Indonesians.

    The Tielman Brothers.. i'm not exactly sure if this band is even well known in Indonesia, their own country.
    but they are sure very well known internationally since the 1950's, long before The Beatles and The Rolling Stones.
    The Beatles itself was a big fan of The Tielman Brothers, Paul Mccartney said that The Tielman was one of the band that inspired The Beatles. (how cool is that!).

    i'm gonna quote some article written by others (since i don't know much) :

    "Indo-Rock genre were Indonesian-Dutch bands that combined many many different styles to form one of their own. American Rock 'n' Roll was popular in Europe, but the aggressive style of playing of Indo-Rock bands also has it's roots in Indonesian music. Indonesian music also includes a sort of rock 'n' roll type of music called Krontjong.

    Later on, The Beatles meeting one of their idols, Little Richard, in Germany is legendary. Little Richard also met Andy Tielman there and offered Andy a job, which he declined. Little Richard later worked with Jimi Hendrix and told him about this crazy Indonesian guy he saw playing the guitar behind his back - so Andy Tielman very well could have been the inspiration for Jimi's crazy antics, who knows? Also they were pioneers in using the Les Paul guitar - now a rock staple but they were one of the first - and also downtuning their guitars. Downtuning is used in Heavy Metal today - credited to Tony Iommi of Black Sabbath who did it first. Iommi's inspiration for downtuning guitars was probably the Tielman brothers".
    (clap clapp)

    heck i didn't even know about this band until now, where i accidently ran through a great arcticle review about the tielman from this blog and this blog , then i double checked in Youtube & Wikipedia article.

    the real purpose of this blog is to gives knowledge to all Indonesians that we used to have a LEGENDARY band that was very well known & respected internationally.
    It's part of history so be proud about itt!!
    This badd-ass band are definetely badd ass!! =x

    gak disangka2 kan band produksi dalam negeri bisa berjaya segitu hebatnya.
    jadi jangan lo sangka, the beatles aja terinsipirasi sama the tielman, skill gitarnya jimi hendrix dari jauh2 hari udah dikuasai sm the tielman sebelumnya. bukan gak mungkin si jimi hendrix malah belajar dari the tielman. bangga gak sihh kita?

    makanya sebagai warga indo, malu kan kalo cuma taunya the beatles doang.. bangga2in the beatles doang sedangkan band EDAN dalam negeri kga pernah denger sama sekali.
    EDAN lohh menurut gue, main gitar segala pake stick drum, pake kaki, pake 2 jari. mantapp lahh.

    be sure to check them out. i post a video of them below.. rock n roll' ♥♥

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♥ The Tielman Brothers & The Beatles

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Vegan Pasta Pie with Mushrooms, Garlic and Tomatoes

    My vegan version of a savory pasta pie- 
    no eggs, dairy or tofu. Seriously.

    This savory pie recipe reminds me of a roasted vegetable frittata. Or my Roasted Vegetable Noodle Kugel, even. I invented it because I was craving a simple one-dish pie for supper- something easy and light and bordering on picnic food- with guaranteed leftovers. Because- and I tell you this with all the happy feet gyrations of a gypsy heart locked inside a hot flashing nest-eschewing body- we're boxing books again- we're storing art and family pictures and files and (most of) our movie collection. We're selling our furniture, consigning everything from roomy chairs and Mexican tables to Kilim pillows and punched tin mirrors. A truck arrives today to haul the lot to Santa Fe.

    Even though the house has not sold.

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Vegan Pasta Pie with Mushrooms, Garlic and Tomatoes

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009


    another award, ohmyy i received quite many award in a day. =D
    anyhow, thankss for all my bloggers friends that still care and tagg me these awards.

    this time the award is given by Gita Paramita. she is the fashionable chick from Petrushka's Closet. thanksss girliee.
    this is my 5th award.

    rules :
    1. each bloggers must post this rules
    2. each bloggers starts with 10 random facts / habits about themselves
    well since i have already posted about my bad habits, now i am going to post about my random facts.
    1. i am scared of cats, but i own a 2 months kitten. =x
    2. i love chillis & onionsss. i just ♥ them.
    3. my favorite band is arctic monkeys.
    4. i am currently studying foreign affairs (hubungan internasional).
    5. my most favorite place to shop is anywhere in Bangkok.
    6. my favorite make-up brand are MAC & Clinique.
    7. i hate people that are rude & ungrateful.
    8. my boyfriend has to be wise, polite, laugh easily, & wear a normal style without any of the emo, punk, electric label kind of thing.
    9. i always put extra pashmina, cardigan, or jacket in my purse just incase the day got colder.
    10. i ♥ bags & purses, but i'd prefer the branded one suchs balenciaga, chanel, LV, etc even though sometimes i can only afford the fake one. =x
    i'd like to tag..
    1. Pheby
    2. Prila
    3. Putri Erdisa
    4. Raisa
    5. Viinkerbell
    6. Andanta
    and ANYBODY can post this award.
    it's for YOUU, yes youu afterall. ♥♥

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    more award. the 4th time so far. =D
    this time the award was given by Miss Lia. thanksss yaahh. hehee~
    again, she gave me more than one award, but i've posted the rest of them.

    but not this one, so i'm gonna do it in Indonesian ..

    the homework.. soal hape nih.

    1. punya handphone?
    * iya
    2. merk & tipe HP?
    * Nokia E61 & N91
    3. warna/ gambar theme yg lagi dipake sekarang?
    * tanpa background apa2, cuma plain gray color. hahaa.
    4. wallpaper?
    * sama kayak no.3
    5. warna casing?
    * metallic
    6. aplikasi/ folder yg pertama kali keliatan begitu menekan tombol 'menu'?
    * inbox
    7. bahasa yg digunakan di hp?
    * english
    8. kapasitas baterai saat ini?
    * masih idup 2-3 bar lah.
    9. pakai slot memory? jenis?
    * gak, 4gb udah cukup buat gua, kga pake memory extra.
    10. sisa memori saat ini?
    * 2gb. =D
    11. banyak terisi untuk apa memorinya?
    * music, gallery, & messages
    12. ada fitur koneksi bluetooth?
    * iya
    13. nama bluetooth kmu saat ini?
    * risya
    14. aplikasi yg sering kmu gunakan?
    * camera
    15. sisa pulsa?
    * RM10
    16. provider seluler yg kmu pake?
    * DiGi
    17. nomer hape?
    * tanya di email.. =D

    noow, i'm going to tagg this to ..

    1. Jessi
    2. Maya
    3. Puput
    4. Tarra
    and EVERYBODY, ANYBODY, and that's including youu.
    soo tagg moree. ♥♥

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    my 3rd award given by Elly. aww thanksss yaaahh. she actually gave me more than one award, but i've posted the rest of them.

    however, this one is a new award for me..

    the rules :

    1. First, make a top 10 list of the bad habits that you dislike.
    2. Second, list the reasons why you dislike those bad habits as mentioned in point 1.
    3. Thirdly, tagged 10 other bloggers.

    okk, i have quite numbers of bad habits, but i'm just going to mention some that came first to my mind..


    1. Gossiping - oh well i don't feel good about talking bad stuff about other people. i usually regret it afterall & felt really bad but it's just naturally happen. =x

    2. English slang leads to poor grammar - i'm not new in English speaking at all, i'm pretty good in conversation, good in prononciation, not very bad at all in spelling either.. but i am pretty poorr about grammar. =( i speaks too much slang & swears a little bit too much too.

    3. I eat too much onion - i am a veryy big fan of onion, all kinds of onions. it's a kind of a bad thing cause it makes you having a bad-breath, the kind of onion bad smell.

    4. I'm always sleepy - i don't know why.

    5. I'm extremely SHY - ahh i hate this the most. when i meet new people, i tend to be so quiet & really shy that makes people think i am not friendly. I AM FRIENDLY, just not in the first meeting. =D

    6. I do my university assignments in the last minute - i'm going to have to break this habit sooner or later!!!!

    7. I get hungry a lot - this is odd, i am actually really skinny.. but believe me or not, i'm hungry most of the time. lool.

    8. I read magazines in the toilet - ok i should not even mentioned this, but yeahh.. i do read magazines in the toilet. forgive me..

    9. I am a cry baby - i cry in almost everything. sad movies, saying goodbyes, saying sorry, well almost everything.

    10. I get offended easily - this is a very bad thing because i should not even give a shat about what other people think of me. and sometimes people don't even mean what they said & i take it as an insult already. =(


    i tagged this for..
    1. Alanna
    2. Cinta
    3. Dhea Febrina
    4. Ditty
    5. Enep
    6. Febii
    7. Gita Paramitha
    8. Indah-O
    9. Inta
    10. Lokita Mardanti
    and ANYBODY that would like to post this and tagg moree, take itt.
    tnxx. ♥♥

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    heyyaa i'm back again. =D

    i went to KL (kuala lumpur) for a day to accompanied a friend of mine applying to some university in malaysia.
    there's a bunch of universities and colleges all around malaysia.. so it's a big choice for those who's still confused of where to apply.

    as for my university i am currently studying now, Universiti Sains Malaysia,
    apparently are the No.1 rank of the best university in malaysia, and no.13 rank of the best university in southeast asia. see the link here.
    how so very lucky i am. =D

    so for those Indonesians who's still not sure of where to go,
    if you want to apply in Malaysia, try the public institution. the one who supported by the goverments. it should gives you advantages & convinience. because if you go to the private institution, i don't think they have qualifications. besides, the private one will always ripped your money off. =x

    if you're worried about the culture shock, the socialities, etc.
    well, i don't have any comments because if you're willing to study overseas, it's already means you're risking everything.
    and sure i do have a LOOOOTTT of bad experienced in malaysia, but i try to just overcome all of those troubles and focus on what's more important in my life, like my future, my family, and my Hney for instance. hahaa =D

    before making any further decicion to apply here there.. just give it a lot of thoughts and you should be fine.

    good luckk. ♥♥

    (me, shella, sabrina, indaa)

    (inilah muka2 lelaki malaysia. =x, jgn protess!! hahaa.)

    (yg ujuuung kiri itu lah tipikal perempuan malaysia. =D)

    (naah kalo yg ini tipikal cewek indonesia. mhuahuahuaaa)

    (my hair is now messy & curly & ummhh my body is a bit skinnier now =x)

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Friday, May 15, 2009

Gluten-Free Strawberry Rhubarb Crisp

    Gluten free strawberry rhubarb crisp makes an easy dessert
    Gluten-free strawberry rhubarb crisp with a tangy twist.

    When I was a little girl my favorite way to eat rhubarb was to snap off a stick in the back yard, run into the kitchen and dip the end into the sugar bowl, repeating the dipping process as needed to coat each tart and chewy bite with granular sweetness. In a post Seinfeld world I risk being labeled a dreaded double dipper. And I admit up front, it's true.

    I double dipped and triple dipped and lived to tell the tale.

    Beyond childhood I never bothered much with rhubarb, except for tasting the occasional strawberry rhubarb crisp at someone else's family picnic. I was never much a fan of it cooked. Stewing and baking seemed to rob it of its charms, mocking my memory of those sugar coated crisp and sour stalks. The mush in the bottom of all those Pyrex baking pans was a sorry excuse for rhubarb, I thought. So recreating a rhubarb crisp recipe for living gluten-free was never glowing brightly on my cooking radar screen. It was never even the faintest of blips. I've been blogging for four rhubarb seasons now and haven't felt inspired to develop a recipe. Until now.

    Why now, I've no idea. Perhaps it's because we're stuck out here in the desert, with nary a garden or bursting rhubarb patch in sight. Just rolling hills of crusty earth studded with brittle pinon and juniper trees, the oddball cholla, or tuft of tenacious sage. The words green and leafy don't exactly come to mind when you walk the dirt road to the arroyo.

    So when I spotted a few lonely stalks of rhubarb in a basket at Whole Foods in Santa Fe- ruby red and sexy in their glistening rhubarb goodness- I thought, Why not attempt a strawberry rhubarb crisp recipe?

    And because I'd asked myself out loud my husband said, You do realize you just asked three stalks of rhubarb if you should make them into a crisp?

    Well, yeah, I shrugged back. I talk to my fruit.

    Don't you?

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Thursday, May 14, 2009

Snappy Crunchy Coleslaw (No Mayo!)

    Slaw with no mayo
    A tasty slaw recipe without a drop of mayo.

    Here's a crisp and crunchy slaw recipe without a drop of mayo. That's what I'm craving. How about you? Stop by and share your favorite spring side dish recipe in comments.

    From the archives: By April I'm itchy with anticipation. By May I'm storing sweaters and mittens. Winter is behind us. Spring is officially here. Days are longer, inch by inch. If not for juniper allergies I might even be out walking, testing out my new cocoa suede Skechers- albeit gently, Dear Reader, treading softly down our bumpy dirt road, shiny new walking cane in hand.

    The craving for comfort food is fading. Slow cooked stews, Sweet Potato Shepherd's Pie, and bowls piled high with embarrassingly hefty mounds of gluten-free pasta are feeling a tad, well, bottom heavy. Thick. You know, like the more-than-an-inch pie roll I've acquired around my waist. My great grandmother Josefa would be kvelling, She no longer eats like a bird! (Yeah, well, that's obvious.)

    And while I believe the Sweet Husband when he tells me he likes me with more meat on my bones- and who am I to complain about (finally!) absorbing food and calories after years of celiac malabsorption- your intrepid expanding goddess is simply hankering for lighter fare.

    Something to perk up the taste buds.

    Something with snap and crunch. Something fresh and green that makes you feel virtuous and light and happy to be alive with summer on its way.

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Snappy Crunchy Coleslaw (No Mayo!)

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Monday, May 11, 2009

Vegetarian Garden Loaf with Maple Apricot Glaze

    Gluten free veggie loaf that is deliciously vegan and soy free
    Delicious vegan garden loaf with quinoa.

    Go ahead and snicker. I'll wait. I'm fully aware that veggie loaves are the punch line for many a joke in Burger King sponsored sit-coms and pseudo-reality shows pitting sweaty cranky chefs against each other for the promise of fame and fortune. So do your thing. Snort. Sigh. Bare your teeth. I can handle it. 

    Vegetarians and vegans endure more than their fair share of indiscreet eye-rolling.

    I know this first hand. Because I've been a vegetarian and sometimes vegan for most of my life. Four decades. And after my medically recommended foray back into Omnivore Land (to jump start the healing of my broken hip) now that I am vertical and ambulatory without a cane I am once again whistling past the graveyard into familiar territory, leaving behind the protein I flirted with, listening to my body's need to get back to the garden, back to my first love, my culinary Eden. My natural preference, before The Fall.

    I tell you this without judgment. 

    I mention this without pressure of any kind. Seriously. I'm not proselytizing. Goddess knows, I understand better than most how hard it is to eat in this gluten infused world of ours without whittling down our choices even further. If you love your bacon and eggs, Babycakes, go rustle up some grub.

    Gnaw on some haggis.

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Vegetarian Garden Loaf with Maple Apricot Glaze

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    just scan my photobox pictures with Hney.
    this is in Bangkok at about 2months ago.. =D
    this pic =D

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Saturday, May 9, 2009

♥ ☺ Meet My .. Kitty Kenny.

    One month before 24th April 2009, Hney & I was finding an open adopting for a kitten.
    We went to this veterinary clinic to find an adoption, the lady was helping us out but we found no luck.
    But on 24th April 2009, I was heading back home with Hney after grocery shopping in Tesco.
    It was heavy raining, cold, and traffic jam. In the middle of the road, a kitten looking very frightened & freezing was trying to ran across the street. She panicked, then later on lying in the middle of the very busy street.

    I, with my instincts, ran & take her away. (for those of you who knows me well, you would be surprised, because, I AM SCARED OF CATS!!!!)
    We took the lucky kitten to the clinic to check her condition.
    The very same clinic that we went 1month ago to adopt a kitten.
    How coinsidence!!.
    The lady in the clinic probably still remember us. =D. We were lucky, soo lucky.

    She was only 2 weeks old. Still in need for her mom's milk !!
    Who could have abandoned this cute little thing??
    Luckily, she was alright, just having a little bit trauma.

    Me & Hney decided to adopt her.

    We named her, Kitty Kenny. =D
    and we her.
    >> 'Kitty' name was my idea because i would like a simple name for a kitten that i would easily remember. 'Kenny' was Hney idea from Kenny Characther in Southpark which he love so much. We both decided to keep the name & put it together instead of choosing only one name.

    this is Kitty, with her cute pretty face, thick mackerel tubby-white color.

    Today, My Kitty is 2months old. She is ready for her vaccination.
    The exact today, we took her for her first vaccination & dewormed her. =D
    & Hney showered her the first day we adopt her but today she took a real shower, in the pet salon for the first time. hahaaa. she was funny & calm though.
    She was home happily & I was happy too.

    Isn't she's the cutest, My Kitty? ♥♥

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♥ ☺ Meet My .. Kitty Kenny.

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